Let me tell you about exactly a week ago. It was the first day of school! I woke up at 6:00, got dressed, waited for my dad to wake up, and then ate breakfast. Finally, my mom and Owen woke up. Owen got dressed and ate breakfast. Of course, if you know my mom, she takes a lot of pictures. Probably going into her 5,000's on her camera roll on her phone. So my mom went outside,(in her pajamas), to take our pictures. Finally, my dad and I started to pull out of the car, my mom waved at me, without any makeup on, and Owen waved with part of his hair sticking up. Weird people I'm telling you! I had a really good day at school and then when I got in the car to go back home, Hudson greeted me by saying,"Emma!EMMA!EEEEMMMMAAA!" I asked my mom,"Mom, can we pretty please with a cherry on top go to get ice-cream...with cherries on top???" Of course, with all those cherries, she said yes.